Can a Lawyer Speed Up the Green Card Process?

The United States has thousands of immigration laws, rules, regulations, and processes. Most issues are handled at the federal level, governing the arrival of foreign nationals into the United States and the duties, rights, and obligations associated with an unlawful entry. As a result, the process can be time-consuming and intimidating. Hiring an immigration attorney can help you speed up the green card process and meet your goals.

An Immigration Attorney Can Help You Evaluate Your Options

Immigration attorneys can help you speed up your green card application in several ways. An attorney will use their knowledge and experience to make the process go as smoothly as possible. Successfully pursuing a green card requires you to petition the US government for the correct type of visa or status. If multiple options are available, discussing your case with a lawyer can help you determine the advantages and disadvantages of each option and advise you on the expected timelines.

An Immigration Attorney Can Help You Complete Your Immigration Petition

Completing a petition for a green card is not straightforward. Instead, it is confusing and requires legal knowledge to finalize it successfully. Many government documents are not written in a way that makes sense to the average person, no matter how educated they are in their field. Attorneys have the law knowledge related to the type of paperwork that needs to be submitted. When you hire legal representation, you will spend less time deciphering how to address all the documentation and more time getting it done.

An Immigration Attorney Will Help You Stay Up-to-Date on Your Application

When pursuing a green card, multiple documents and agencies may be involved. The process can become even more complex if you need to correct any documentation or appeal a denial of your green card at any stage. Working with an experienced attorney can help you avoid making mistakes on your applications that will result in a more time-consuming process. Additionally, if your petition is challenged, an attorney can work on it quickly to prevent compounding delays. If you look forward to a visa that involves a lottery, it is essential that the timing is perfect.

An Attorney Can Help You Stay Compliant

Filing a petition is only one part of the process. Once approved, whether you are a green card holder or an employer, you have specific duties and obligations to maintain the green card status. Specifically, you need to stay up-to-date with documentation, paperwork, renewals, taxes, and other responsibilities associated with being a beneficiary of the US immigration system. You must adhere to these requirements to ensure the procedure of maintaining legal status is completed on time. Your life or business could come to a halt without the assistance of an attorney.

Contact a Chicago Immigration Attorney Today

Whether you need ongoing strategic legal counsel for your business’s legal force or an attorney to help you speed up your immigration case, Ray Law International is here to help. Do not hesitate to contact us to schedule an initial no-cost case evaluation a